The modern day pocket watch

I see it all the time — people hurrying down the street, riding on the train, sitting in a cafe, having a meal, having a conversation, playing with their kids.  They sneak a quick peek at their cell phone — too fast to be checking a message:  they’re checking the time.

Once I noticed it, I see it all the time, and it’s really pretty funny.  We’ve replaced pocket watches with wrist watches and replaced wrist watches with cell phones as timepieces.  When we need to know the time, or when we’re asked, we reach into our pocket, pull out our fancy digital pocket watch, click the button on the side to turn it on and peer down.  (All that’s missing, really, is the chain attaching it to our pocket — which actually would be a useful feature.)

Dan and I often laugh between ourselves at how much we take the computing power in our pocket for granted.  When one of us is grumbling about how “slow” or “frustrating” our phone is, the other will remark, “Oh, yes, the supercomputer/phone/camera/internet access in my pocket is just not fast enough for me!”  The ease and seamless integration of this kind of technology into our lives is something that would have been astounding (to the point of seeming magical) to us only 15 years ago or so, and now we carry these devices around with us everywhere we go.  I sure do like my fancy pocket watch.

I want an iPhone. I don’t care.

We have phones!!!!  In fact, we have iPhones.  Dan actually got them for us yesterday afternoon and we started getting them set up last night after the kids were in bed.  I just have to say:  it is so cool.  I feel like a kid with a new toy on Christmas morning.  I have so much to learn about it, and have to figure out how to get it all set up.  I really am a neophyte with it — it’s my first smart phone.  This is my first experience with a phone that does anything cooler than take pictures.  I get to pick out apps!  I’m going to have navigation!  My phone knows where I am (that part’s a little creepy).

029So far, I’ve accidentally called my mom at 3:30 in the morning (or maybe Benjamin did that, it’s unclear) taken a bunch of blurry pictures (because I forgot to remove the protective film) and downloaded a bunch of very important apps (like Oregon Trail and Harbor Master).  I’m finding myself getting way too sucked into it — how does anyone get anything done?  (And I haven’t even connected it to Facebook yet!)  Both boys are very drawn to it.  I expected that of Benjamin (he’s played with his aunt Amanda’s iPhone before) but I was shocked at how alluring it is to Liam — he nearly threw himself off the couch earlier in his attempt to get it . . . and it was off at the time.

I’m really having fun with it, but it is also a huge relief to finally be connected.  Dan & I texted back and forth while he was at work today, and now I can contact my family when I need to (although we still have to figure out what it’s going to cost us, and them, to do that, but at least it’s POSSIBLE now).  It is certainly another significant piece of us feeling like we’re at home here.

But, I’m a little perplexed as to why the built in weather app can’t tell where I am, when every other thing on there can?  Eh, I still like it.