The spirit of giving

There is a woman who stands at the end of our block almost every day and sells newspapers.  It’s something that homeless, or very poor, or otherwise unemployed people do in Vienna.  (I don’t fully understand how it works, but it’s legitimate employment for people who otherwise probably wouldn’t have any income at all.)  She’s young, and when we first moved here, she was very pregnant.  Shortly after we arrived, she was gone for a few months, and then reappeared, no longer pregnant.  At first, I was afraid to ask.  I don’t know her, and I don’t know her situation (except that it probably isn’t very stable).  Maybe she put the baby up for adoption?  Maybe something tragic had happened in her pregnancy?  I was sure she didn’t want to be asked about it by a non-German speaking complete stranger.  So, I continued to smile and say hello, but I never asked.  A few months later, she started holding a picture of a little boy while she stood there, and I stopped to ask her if it was her son.  It was, and she was very happy to chat (as much as we could, with my horrible German) about him.

She still comes and stands on the corner, except for some days, when a young (although slightly older) man stands on the same corner and holds the same picture.  I assume he’s the father, but I’ve never asked.

In going through our outgrown baby clothes, I once had the realization that her son would be just about 1 year younger than Liam, and that maybe she could use some of the clothes.  But, I never got up the courage to ask.  I’m just not sure if that kind of thing is done here.  I’m always kind of awkward, but here, in this society that is alien to me, I truly have no idea of how a suggestion would be received.  Maybe it’s offensive, or patronizing.  Maybe I’ve misunderstood all along and this woman isn’t disadvantaged or homeless at all.  Who knows?  I miss a lot.  Would she understand that I was trying to be kind, regardless of how weird of an offer it might be?

Yesterday, I was brave.  I finally decided that I’d rather feel embarrassed for trying, failing and making a fool of myself than for never even making the offer.  I had left to pick up Benjamin a few minutes early, and on the way, I stopped to ask her.  I didn’t know how to say any of it, and it turns out that my troubles with communicating her before weren’t because my German is so poor — she doesn’t appear to speak any more German than I do (but no English).  With a little German (the rough equivalent of, “I have. You want?”) and lots of gestures, we managed.  I explained that I have a winter coat that I thought might fit her son, and some socks and other things.  She understood, nodded enthusiastically and smiled.  And then she explained that what they really need is pants.  Pants would be better.

After collecting B and brining him home, I put everything we had in the right size into a bag.  It wasn’t much — a winter coat, some shirts, some socks, a few pairs of jeans and pants.  It all seemed really insufficient.  So, I went into Liam’s drawers and pulled out a few more pairs of pants that are the size he’s wearing now — we have more than we need.  I packed them all up and brought them to her.  She smiled, nodded, and thanked me — it was the only really clear communication we had the entire time.

I still feel awkward.  I still kind of suspect that this isn’t the way things are typically done here.  But, that’s ok.  I feel awkward most of the time.  This still feels good.

16 Euro worth of cookies

I blame my grandmother.  Growing up, I don’t think I can remember a single time I was ever in her house that I wasn’t offered something from her ever-present tin of Danish butter cookies.  And my mom makes excellent shortbread.  So, I was pretty well doomed, because the Austrians also love butter cookies.  Mainly at Christmastime.  Well, look at that!  It’s Christmastime!

And, I dare say, I like the Austrian cookies even better than the Danish ones.  (But not better than my mom’s shortbread.  Just for the record.)

There are bakeries all over Vienna.  They take baking very seriously here.  Baking and coffee.  (I knew I belonged here.)  I walk past 3 different places selling butter cookies on the way to drop B at school, and past the same 3 on the way back.  I’ve held off for a few weeks, since the deliciously tempting treats made their first appearance this year.  But yesterday, we were out of coffee at home, so I stopped on my way back from dropping B at school for a melange . . .and 16 Euro worth of butter cookies.

I was just going to buy a few.  Just enough for a treat for after lunch.  Just enough to show Jo how great Austrian Christmas butter cookies are.  But then, there was this box.  It was a package of a variety of types of butter cookies — it included all of my favorites and some I’d *never seen before*.  I didn’t have a chance.

They weren’t all for me.  They were to bring home and SHARE.  I bought them, and managed to wait a few hours for indoctrinating Jo into the joy of Austrian butter cookies.  We had a few (just to try them).  We had some after lunch.  I had a few in the afternoon.  We had some after dinner — the kids actually got some, too (as did Dan).  I had some with a cup of tea before bed.

They lasted 24 hours.

I’m so glad they only come out at Christmas.


Benjamin has been talking a lot, lately, about what he’d do if he had a freeze ray.  (I blame Despicable Me and one of the Cars games he plays on the iPad.)  His focus seems to largely be on freezing people in the way of something he wants.  He’s threatened to freeze Liam so he doesn’t play with his toys, me because I said I wasn’t going to download a new game he wanted, and his toys (again, so Liam can’t play with them).

At first, I was kind of horrified — how could he want to freeze ME?!?  And poor Liam?!? — but then I realized that he doesn’t know that something like that would actually harm the object of his freeze ray.  Obviously, he’s voicing a frustration, and I’m pretty grateful (and impressed) that he’s planning to use an imaginary stop-you-in-your-tracks weapon, rather than actually lashing out.  (He is, after all, only 4.)

So, I tried to help him put words to his feelings, and whenever he makes the freeze ray statement, I started responding with, “Wow, you sound like you’re pretty frustrated.  Are you angry with me/him/this situation?”  And mostly, he says yes, and I felt kind of like Super Mom.

Until today.

Today, he woke up from his nap and was very loud and impatient with me, resulting in him waking Liam up from his nap, which did not make me (or Liam) very happy.  B was impatient because he wanted to play a game on the iPad, and I have a policy of no iPad/iPhone games for the first hour after waking (after a nap or in the morning, because I got REALLY tired of having B get up super early so he had time to play Angry Birds before school).

Anyway, he was not happy with me.  He’s not really been into games lately, and either he forgot the rule, or he was hoping I forgot.  He was nigh on hysterical about it, which did not improve anyone’s mood.  As he started to calm down, he made the freeze ray comment again, and I responded as I have been.  He wiped the tears from his cheeks, looked me in the eye with a stern expression, sniffled, and said, “No, Mommy.  I’m not angry with you.  I say I’m going to freeze you because I want you to know how powerful I am.”

Simultaneously, my heart broke a little and I was stunned and amazed.  How hard must it be to be 4 and have so little power?  How frustrating must it be to not be able to control, well, just about anything?  Of course he wishes he could freeze the things he wishes he could control!  And, how cool is that?  4 years old and able to articulate and express the difference between anger and frustration at feeling powerless?  I know many people who spent years in therapy to get to that point (and many more who can’t).

I am so proud of Benjamin.  What an amazing heart and mind he has.  He knocked my socks off with that today.  I will no longer try to label his frustration as anger, and I won’t let my feelings be hurt when he wants to zap me with his freeze ray.  I’m also considering it my personal mission to find him some ways to be powerful.  It’s hard to be a little guy.


Over the last few days, it has gotten really cold in Vienna.  (See, I knew this was coming when it got so windy the other night!)  We went from highs in the mid to upper 50s last week to highs staying in the 30s, and we got a nice, brisk winter wind right along with the drop in temperatures.  We’ve been relatively undaunted in our pursuit of outdoor fun (like all good Vienna residents), but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been chilly and shiver-inducing.

Saturday, we all got pretty cold while we were out at Schonbrunn, and yesterday, Dan & I were surprised by a bit of an unpredicted snow squall while we were out doing a bit of Christmas shopping in the evening.  Today, Liam, Jo & I cut our morning walk short for the sake of getting inside and getting warm, and B was so chilled after coming home from school (and, admittedly, after having an ice cream) that I bundled him up in fleece pants and a fuzzy robe and THEN snuggled him into a warm blanket before he felt warm again.  So, it’s pretty cold in Vienna right now.

This evening, I went to meet my German instructor for a lesson (at Starbucks, which, in my opinion, is the best place to have a German lesson) and while I was discussing the need for a big cup of warm tea with one of the baristas, I learned a great new German word — gemütlich — which means “cozy”.  I think it’s one of my favorite German words.  Because, although the weather may be frightful outside in Vienna right now, that just makes it the perfect time to appreciate how wonderful it is to come in from the cold and get cozy.

Mommy & B time

I can’t remember where we got the idea, but it has turned into a tradition that I love — every so often, once a month or so, we make a point of setting aside some time for just B & I to spend some time together (and for Dan & Liam, at the same time).  I get to spend a lot of time one-on-one with Liam these days, while B is in school, but time with B has become a lot more rare.

We pick a time for us to go out for an hour or so, and B gets to decide, entirely, what we do and where we go.  We’ve gone for walks, gone to McDonald’s, gone out for ice cream, played at the playground.  This time, which was this past Friday, he mostly wanted to go for a ride on the bus that comes past our house, so that’s what we did.  After a few stops, B asked me to push the stop button, and we got out . . . and went to Starbucks.  (I think he’s learning from what I do during my own free time!)

He was in charge of our evening, so I let him choose whatever he wanted for a snack.  He chose a fruit salad plus a lollipop for each of us (lemon).  He also got to choose our table.  We sat, we enjoyed, we talked.  When we finished our first lollipops, we went back for a second one (orange this time).  We hung out, chatted with a friend, and then got ready to head home.

No kidding, this was where we waited for the bus to take us home.

When we left, I was planning to walk home, but B insisted on taking the bus.  Because of where we were on the bus route, we had to ride out of our way . . . quite a ways . . . in order to turn around and get back home again.  But, it was his evening, so we went home his way.  It turned out to be a lovely surprise.  Vienna’s Christmas lights were all on, and our bus ride took us right through and past some of the best ones.  We had such a lovely evening — our ride together, our talk, our lollipops (although I’m not sure when I last consumed so much sugar in one sitting).  It is so nice to get to spend a little time with just B — he’s a great kid and a cool guy and I love him so very much.

Holy Krapfen, what a day!

So, here it is, after much anticipation — December 1, and the beginning of the Advent season.  Not being particularly religious, I hadn’t been a big “advent” person for years . . . until I moved to Vienna.  Vienna celebrates Advent in a big way — the markets (which I love), Advent calendars (the paper ones that are so popular here, as well as open-a-new-window-each-day window displays throughout the city), and a major display of Christmas lights, plus a lot of religious celebration (of course).

We definitely celebrated the beginning of Advent today.  We started our morning with a trip to the Schonbrunn Christmas market.  It was Jo‘s first trip, and she was suitably impressed.  The market there is very nice — although the tour buses do unload at the front gates.  Most of the shopping stalls are duplicates of those we’ve seen downtown (with a few notable exceptions — one of hand painted cards and glass items and another of handmade straw art), but they’re also some of the best offerings throughout the Christmas markets.  The food at Schönbrunn is better, more plentiful and more varied than at the other markets, and we started by enjoying freshly made Krapfen (donuts) filled with jam, vanilla pudding or chocolate sauce.  We got one of each.

We tried to shop, but the kids were frazzled, so we walked around to the back of the palace, and let the boys loose to explore the grounds.  (Jo was appropriately impressed again.)  It was a cold but beautiful day, and we walked all over, enjoying the scenery, introducing Jo to one of our favorite places in Vienna, and letting the kids run and play.  After a while, we all got a bit chilled, and we headed back to the market to enjoy some warm Punsch.

Each market is a little different when it comes to flavors of Punsch, but Jo & I both tried the apple struedel flavor, which was excellent, and then we managed a quick stroll through the market and a snack on the go before the kids were fed up, the grown ups were cold, and it was time to go home.

I would have considered our day full and festive at that point, but, after naps, we headed out to see the Christmas lights in the heart of Vienna.  Vienna’s lights are amazing and beautiful, and are hard to capture properly in words or pictures.  We saw sheets of lights hung every few feet along one street, creating the effect of a luminous, golden canopy.  We saw gorgeous and huge crystal chandeliers hung above Vienna’s pedestrian shopping district.  We saw a glorious Christmas tree standing outside of Vienna’s most famous cathedral.  And, we walked beneath an assortment of glowing red orbs as wide as the street they covered.  It was spectacular and wonderfully festive.

We had a big day, but it was full of so many amazing moments.  We so enjoyed spending our first day of December in this city that celebrates this season so exuberantly.  Vienna during Advent is a joy, and one we took full advantage of today.  (And tomorrow, we will rest.)


The wind in Vienna can be really fierce, and at times, like last night, when we have a wintery weather front blowing through, it can sound pretty intimidating up here.  We’re up on the 6th floor (counting in the US way, where the ground floor is the first floor) and our west-facing windows are pretty well unobstructed by buildings or trees, so when the wind that whips down out of the Alps sweeps down across the Austrian lowlands and over Vienna, we get feel it very strongly.  Blustery doesn’t begin to cover it — it feels like the whole top floor is going to blow right off the building.

Our windows rattle and the wind tears through any less than perfect seals (which seems to be most of them).  The sound of the wind moaning and howling is enough to wake the kids and unsettle an adult.  There’s a German word that I love, raunen, that means the moaning sound that the wind makes.  It’s perfect for what we experience up here on a chilly, late-autumn evening with the wind whistling through the cracks and blowing leaves up to our windows (and into our terrace) from the courtyard over 50 feet below us.

Vienna doesn’t mess around with the wind, and it doesn’t mess around with winter.  Things have been mild so far this autumn, but it is changing, right now.  We went from a high around 15 C yesterday (about 60 F) to a low of -1 C (about 30 F) tonight.

So, we close up all the windows, crank up the radiators, snuggle under a blanket and listen to the raunen of the wind.  It’s just a part of getting ready for winter in Vienna.

Success, fail, success, fail

Being a mom is a roller coaster ride.  For every moment that I feel slick and accomplished, there’s one waiting around the corner where I fall on my face.

Take, for example, the last day or so.  Yesterday, the kids & I had an appointment for flu shots.  With Jo’s help, I got everyone up, dressed and fed, wrestled the double stroller downstairs, strapped both kids in, and made it to the strassenbahn in time to make our 23 minute trip, walk a few blocks, and still arrive early for our 9:00 appointment.  We got our flu shots and headed home.  We opted to walk back to get some exercise.  The kids were pretty happy — I even remembered snacks and water!  We were home by 10:30, all vaccinated and with a brisk, hour-long walk done for the grown ups.  Success.

Then I realized that I left behind the temporary spider tattoos that B got as part of his reward for being good for his shot — one very sad (and angry) boy.  Fail.

So, this morning, while B was at school, I went out for a jog.  On the way home, I stopped by the local toy store and bought some new tattoos.  They didn’t have spiders, so I got dinosaurs.  I brought them with me when I picked B up at school.  He was so excited and grateful.  Success.

Then, on our way home, with an excited boy and tattoos in hand, we started chatting with an English woman and her young daughter (about 7 years old).  We talked about living in Vienna, where we were all originally from, and how much we enjoyed our recent trip to England.  I said I’d love to go back, and the little girl asked if I wanted to live there.  I responded cheerily with, “Maybe one day!”, to which B responded, “Well, you can go live in London , England, but I’m not going with you!”  I told him not to worry, that we weren’t really planning to move to England, and the little girl said, “He might not want to go with you, but I will!” to which I jokingly replied, “Ok, we’ll switch!”

Ok.  Funny to a grown up, and apparently to a 7 year old (who giggled) but NOT funny to my sweet 4 year old Benjamin.  He clung to my arm and said, “No, you’re MY mother.”  I told him I was kidding at that of course I’d never trade him in for anyone, and we left our new friends, all of us smiling.  But on the way home, he brought it up again, and I realized I’d actually scared him.  It was a completely boneheaded moment — I spend so much time fostering a feeling of safety and connection between me and my boys, and then I go and say something awful and insensitive that plants a seed of doubt.  Ugh.  Complete fail.

He seems ok now, but I wish I could erase it.  I wish I could fix those failure moments, especially when they cut deeper than a forgotten tattoo.  Based on my track record, I have to hope there’s a success waiting around the next bend, but truly, deeply and most of all, I hope that the successes ultimately outweigh the failures.

Toddler geography

Watching my children learn and grow is one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever experienced.  It’s one of the biggest benefits (and one of my favorite parts) of being a stay-at-home mom — I love the sheer number of hours each day I get to watch my kids try, sometimes fail, and eventually succeed in learning or doing something new.

My kids have had some experiences outside of typical, though.  This adventure that we’re sharing manages to insert some fun additions into the normal list of rolling over, crawling, walking, running, jumping, first words, learning colors, counting, singing and reading letters that kids go through.  And, although those things are absolutely magical as I watch them unfold, I get particularly tickled by the ones they surprise me with.

For starters, they start to do some of those things in more than one language, completely removed from our influence.  Liam is working on learning his colors, and on counting, but he’s trying to learn two different words for each concept at the same time, and that certainly seems to add confusion.  (Although hearing him count, “Eins, zwei, jump!” is pretty darn cute.)  B is struggling with the same thing when in comes to reading letters — vowels in particular, since “E” in English sounds just like “I” in German.  We didn’t set out to teach them those things, but kids are like sponges.  B learns them at school, comes home and says them, and then Liam works on them, all on his own.  It’s pretty darn cool.

But then, there’s the really unexpected stuff.  Like today, when Liam showed me something new — something I didn’t see coming.  I was reading both boys a story today, and Liam pointed at a green, white and red flag in the book and said, “Italy”.  He repeated it, pointing with impatience, when I asked him what he said.  He can’t yet identify the colors green, white or red (actually, he gets “green” most of the time) but he recognizes an Italian flag.  I knew that both kids could identify some of the major sights and landmarks we’ve seen on our travels, but he gets extra credit for Italy, since we haven’t been there yet!

A clueless American’s guide to Vienna’s Christmas markets, part 2

Yesterday, I shared some of my thoughts on the Am Hof, Rathaus and Spittelberg markets.  As I stated yesterday, I’m an enthusiast, not an expert, on Christmas markets, and this is all simply my own opinion and observations as a not-quite-novice Vienna settler and a mom who dares to shop with her kids.  Now for a few more . . .

Maria-Theresienplatz — This market, right on the Ringstrasse, is my personal favorite.  I love the whole feeling of it.  It’s well populated but big enough to not be too crowded, there are a lot of very nice shops, many of which sell Austrian goods and which also exist as Viennese brick-and-mortar stores (extra credit, to my mind, because I like the idea of buying actually Austrian things and supporting local business).  There’s a little food and a few Punsch stands plus a ride or two for the little kids, and enough space to manuever even with the stroller.  (Last year, our oldest brought his bike and was even able to ride around a bit without any trouble.)  They often have live Christmas music on the weekends and in the evenings, and that, along with the setting (between the Art History museum, Natural History museum, the MuseumsQuartier and the Hofburg) give the whole market a fantastic ambiance.  I think that’s what I like best about it — the setting, the music, and the local shops.

Freyung — The Freyung, near Schottentor and the Graben (and just a block from the market at Am Hof) is one of the oldest markets in Vienna.  (It’s also the closest to our house, so we go a fair bit.)  It’s very small, but it has a nice, community feeling (lots of people local to the neighborhood stop in for a Punsch and stay to socialize).  They have a children’s program and often have live performances, including a whole Advent program.  Some of the stalls sell small, cheap items, but there are some very beautiful things, as well — it’s a wide range.  The absolute best thing about the Freyung market is that it seems to consistently have the friendliest and nicest shopkeepers of all the Christmas markets in Vienna.  Unlike a lot of market stalls, the vendors seem sincerely interested in helping, answering questions, and even visiting with the kids — children feel genuinely welcome here.  It’s unusual for us to walk through without the kids being given some kind of treat, and without being drawn into a conversation with a shopkeeper — pleasantly unexpected for Vienna.  Since it’s a small market, there aren’t a ton of options in terms of food a drink, but there are a few.  It’s conveniently located between the Rathaus market and the Am Hof market — it would be an easy walk between the three (although I’d never be brave enough to try to visit three markets in a single day WITH the kids).

Karlsplatz —  The Christmas market at Karlsplatz has a unique feel to it.  It’s large, and the stalls are spaced far apart, so it doesn’t feel crowded, even during busy times.  The shops seem to specialize in unique (sometimes strange), expensive, artisan items, including, this year, a strong focus on reused and repurposed items.  There are a ton of pottery, woodcarving and knit wear shops.  It’s a lovely market, with lots of fun things for the kids — pony rides, a huge straw play area, arts and crafts, a few playgrounds and a steampunk carousel (and, inexplicably, llamas).  The Punsch at this market is the best I’ve had — a few shops sell organic (“Bio”) Punsch (my favorite — not specifically because it’s organic, but it seems less . . . overwhelming) in a variety of flavors.  Jo says Karlsplatz is her favorite market so far.

Next time: AKH, Schonbrunn and Belvedere.