Fledgling German and excellent English

It’s been over a year since I’ve had any formal German language training. I do ok with very simple interactions — reading signs, ordering at a restaurant or shopping for groceries. Just about any other time, though, I manage a few sentences in German, and then I have to ask if the other person speaks English.

I get along just fine, but I’ve been here too long for this to be an acceptable situation. So, I’ve started taking German tutoring. So far, I’m enjoying the one-on-one sessions, because I get to focus on the things I really need (getting and giving directions and communicating with the teachers at school). Even though I’ve only had one session, I already feel better that I’m at least making diligent effort towards being a reasonably responsible temporary resident of Vienna.

In related news, I was stopped on the street and asked for directions the other day, which I gave in English. That isn’t noteworthy — it happens to me almost every day. But, when I was finished, the woman (who I think was an American) complimented me on my English. So, I guess that’s something!

One thought on “Fledgling German and excellent English

  1. Dear Emily, thank you for your lovely blog and all the experiences you shared. We moved to Salzburg almost 3 years ago with my husband and our daughter. She is now 4 years old. I am trying to learn German and having difficulties in everyday life too. I thought we can support each other, I would be happy if you send me an email so that we can connect. And also how do you have online lessons? I also need some help to talk with my daughter’s teachers. My daughter goes to a full German Kindergarten, is your son the same? What are your experiences, I would be so happy to hear! Thank you again! Hope you will have a good time here. All the best

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