Last-minute travel planning

I am not a procrastinator by nature.  I am one of those people who makes lists and calendars and schedules.  In college, when we’d get a last-minute extension on a paper, I’d be the obnoxious one who turned it in anyway, because I was already finished.

But, life is busy, and sometimes a little crazy, and things seem to get away from me.  Recently, all of our trips seem to be put together at the last minute.

It’s really not my style.  I feel so much better when things are orderly and done with plenty of time to spare.  It causes me a lot of stress and anxiety to leave things until the 11th hour, and it forces a lot of late nights and multitasking (because it’s got to get done sometime) which adds to the stress.  And then, in the days leading up to our trip departure (which can provide enough stress) I’m anxious and running on only a little sleep on top of not yet having everything done.  Not good.

I’ve never had a trip planned so late as this one (with the possible exception of our trip to France, but Dan was in charge of that one) and this is our most complicated trip to date.

I spent most of the weekend planning, making reservations, and figuring out details.  I feel like I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with the kids this weekend, but I’m really surprised at how well I’m handling all of the stress.  The hotels are chosen, mostly booked, and the other details are mostly figured out, if not actually arranged.  And, astonishingly, I haven’t snapped at anyone, lost my temper, or cried in despair.  I’ve certainly felt a little harried, at times, but I’m holding up to the pressure much better than usual.

Of course, over the next 4 days, we still have to buy plane tickets, train tickets and rent cars.  Oh, and pack.  Yeah, there’s that.

I think my resolution to not sweat every detail, to accept that it might not be perfect, I might not read all of the fine print correctly, and we may not get the absolute best deal available is making the difference.  I might make a mistake, and we could potentially show up someplace to find that it won’t do at all.  But, I’m doing my best to make things great, but I’m not spending any extra energy to take it from great to perfect.  We can handle whatever we encounter as we go.

Of course, there are still 4 days to go, and much to do before we’re ready.  We’ll see if I can keep my good humor this week, and make the preparation for our trip pleasant for everyone.

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