Juggling at 33,000 feet

We’re over halfway to Vienna, and the boys are peacefully sleeping as we cross the Atlantic. For the moment.

This is hard. I have my mom with me to help, and this is incredibly hard.

Getting through security was particularly challenging. We had about a million carryons, B had fallen asleep in the stroller, which had to broken down, our liquids had to be hand checked, and both of the kids were exhausted by the time it got to be our turn. Add to that the fact that I’m used to my usual system with Dan, and it was a significant challenge.

We made it through, though, arrived at the gate just in time for boarding, and were fortunate to have no trouble trading seats so we could sit together. And that’s when the work really started.

The kids are completely worn out, ready to be home and tired of being patient and flexible. (So are the grown ups.) We’re making it through, but it’s a lot of work. I’m not on my “A” game, when the kids most need me to be.

3 more hours, and we’ll be there.

I’m so grateful to have my mom here with me, and I’m so grateful fur all the work Dan usually does.

All I need to do is remember to enjoy these next 3 hours (and the 3 after that, and the 3 after that …). Because this is not just my adventure, and my kids are working their tails off to be the super star world travelers that they are. (Grandma is too.) I want to keep rising to the occasion, and to their example.

One thought on “Juggling at 33,000 feet

  1. I wanted to see how your flight went & that you made it there ok??? I know how much work it is to travel with kids I see it everyday and am so glad Kathryn is there with you. LMK all is good with you.

    Love ,

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