Our month-long American adventure comes to an end in less than 3 days. At this time on Friday we’ll be flying somewhere over the North Atlantic, almost over Ireland, nearly halfway to Austria and already trying to adjust to the time change and remember how to speak German.
I’m not ready to go. There’s still so much I want to do here and so many people I want to see. I’m sad that I won’t get to see everyone one more time before we go, and the 9 months or so until we move back to home soil seem very, very long when I realize I won’t see so many of the important people in my life until then.
Can’t everyone just come back with me? Because Vienna, with the addition of my friends and family from home, would be just perfect. I know I’ll be back soon, but I’m just not ready to go. I know how much I’ll miss everyone, and it makes it really hard to say goodbye again so soon.