
Yesterday, Benjamin invited us all to his school for Family Day.  It’s part end-of-the-year celebration, part open house, part excuse to go outside and enjoy the beautiful late spring/early summer weather.  Dan took the afternoon off of work, the boys skipped nap time, and we all ventured over to the school to enjoy the day.

014We had a better idea of what to expect this year, and we’ve all been looking forward to it for a few weeks.  B loves getting to bring us to school and show us around, and we all had a great time.  We went around to each of the stations and collected stamps at each spot.  We painted faces, decorated balloons, watched/helped the boys do an obstacle course, put together a big clown puzzle, did (and won!) a three-legged race, and knocked down cans with a ball.  Plus, the boys took lots of opportunities to run around with friends, kick soccer balls, swing on the swings and slide down the slide.  We also enjoyed some muffins and cakes made with help from the kids.  We played and laughed and thoroughly enjoyed a lovely afternoon at B’s school.  This year, we know a lot more of the kids and the parents, plus we’ve gotten to know many of the teachers better.  I think we all felt like much more a part of the community this time around, and it made it even more fun.

026And Liam got a special treat — he got to visit with his teacher for next fall.  She even showed him around his new classroom.  (He’s very excited — they have trucks and cars to play with.  When it was time to go, he curled up on the floor and didn’t want to leave, which I think is a great sign for September.)  We had the thought that the next time a  family event comes around at school, Liam won’t be just tagging along — he’ll be a student there, too.  (Which is kind of mind-blowing.  He was just 6 months old when we arrived here, and this coming fall he’ll be participating in Lantern Fest!)

At the end, the boys brought their collection of stamps to the kitchen, where they each got a bag filled with popcorn.  And we got to take two very tired boys home.  Good times were had by all.





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